-always have at least a rough idea of where your story is going. you don't need to have perfectly mapped out plots, but you need to know generally what's going to happen to each character.
-create character profiles containing backstories, descriptions, maybe even mbti or enneagram types in the conception phase of your story. sometimes i even make faux tvtropes.org pages listing all the tropes that apply to my character
-http://tvtropes.org and http://springhole.net are excellent websites for writers
-don't focus too heavily on avoiding cliches - like salt on your food, cliches are ok in moderation
-long descriptions of what a character looks like or wears when it has no relevancy to the plot? skip that shit - it's boring and makes you look like an amateur
-eight deadly words = "i don't care what happens to these people." remember you dont always need people to like your character, you just need them to be invested in what happens to your character.
-writing is a skill like any other in that it requires regular practice. set time aside to do so, even if you dont have a set story to work on.
-you need to read to write. stock up on books.
-this is supposed to be fun, no matter whether you do this for fun or a career. this is how you make sense of the world around you. so relax. find your voice